Design: Basics09
July 21, 2023
Exhibition by Children of Pebbles at WUNDERKAMMER through September 20, 2023
Children of Pebbles embody the Neolithic protagonists of rustic music wave. Led by former Solitude fellow Monika Czyżyk, a network of close friends, pets, objects and forest spirits, form a group that draws from the rhythms of stone formations, mycelial frequencies and animal mating cells. In the current line-up of Neil Luck, Boris Müller, Mateusz Ścibor, and Monika Czyżyk the art, music, image and gesture makings cross-infiltrate and blend in a horizontal, de-hierarchical manner – »producing soups« as Czyżyk calls it.
In the context of their exhibition at the WUNDERKAMMER – NATURALIA I ARTIFICIALIA in Stuttgart, they transform the exhibition space into a stage of collective processes by means of a series of experimental sound performances, in which archaic stone instruments, tools of spiritual ceremonies, food from clock times and objects that seem to come from a distant future can be found.
The exhibition will open and close with a performative act.
Exhibition opening: Friday, July 21, 2023, 5:30 PM
Performance: Wednesday, September 20, 2023, 7:00 PM
Exhibition period: through September 20, 2023
Where: WUNDERKAMMER NATURALIA / ARTIFICIALIA, Badstraße 32, 70372 Stuttgart
Opening times: Around the clock. Admission free!
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