Atlas of Non-Fact teaser, photo: Martyna Marciniak
June 15, 2015
Johanna Diehl | SWR June 18, 2015, 10.45 p.m.
On June 18, 2015, at 10.45 p.m. a short portrait on the Solitud efellow Johanna Diehl will be shown. The feature, that was recently filmed in the Akademie, will air in the context of the series Kunscht! on SWR.
mentioned in news
Design: Stegmeyer Fischer Creative Studio
Aug 19, 2024
The new generation of fellows from 2024–2026 has been selected
Covermotiv: Iannis Xenaxis, study for Polytope de Cluny (light trajectory diagrams), c. 1972. With kind permission by les Amis de Xenakis. All rights reserved. For the cover, the original drawing was processed by Beton.