Angela Matyssek

City, Country:

Zürich, Switzerland


2005, 2006, 2007


Oct 2005 - Mar 2006

Born in 1971.

Angela Matyssek studied studied art history, Italian, literary sciences, new and contemporary history (1991-1998) and culture and media management (1999-2001). She wrote her dissertation on photography as an image media of art history between 1870 and 1930.

Fellow at the Max-Planck-Institute for the History of Science in Berlin (2001-2002) and at the International Research Center of Cultural Studies in Vienna (2002-2004). Research assistant at the Chair for Science Studies at the ETH Zurich (204-2005).

Her research interests and publications are in the history of photography and design, the relationship between image and knowledge and the history of museums and collecting.

During her fellowship Angela Matyssek will analyze theories and practices of conservation and restoration of contemporary art and the change of beliefs towards the “original” under the title “Arbeit am Original” (Work on the Original).