Annett Zinsmeister

City, Country:

Berlin, Germany


2005, 2006, 2007


Sept 2005 - Oct 2005

Oct 2006 - Dez 2006

Sept 2007 - Sept 2007


Born 1967 in Stuttgart. Lives and works in Berlin.

She studied architecture, fine art & media theory among others at the Hochschule der Künste Berlin, Humboldt- University Berlin and the Bauhaus-University Weimar. She was a fellow of the Schlesinger Foundation, Switzerland (2001), and of the Graduate Fellowship of the State of Thüringen (2002).

Since 2005, professor for Conceptual Design at Bergische Universität Wuppertal (Faculty of architecture, art, design). She worked as research associate at the TU Dresden (2000-2002) and has been teaching at the Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weißensee (as a guest professor) and at the Bauhaus-University Weimar.

Numerous publications in professional journals and own editions such as “Plattenbau oder die Kunst, Utopie im Baukasten zu warten” (Plattenbau or the Art of Maintaining Utopia in Building Blocks, Hagen, 2002) and “Constructing Utopia. Konstruktionen künstlicher Welten” (Zürich, 2005).

Selected exhibitions: “Urbandrift” (night space, Café Moskau, Berlin, 2002), “Museotopia” (Karl-Ernst Osthaus Museum, Hagen, 2002), UIA-XXI World Congress of Architecture (Berlin, 2002), “Berlin Tapete” (Galerie der Backfabrik, Berlin, 2003), “Fly utopia!” (transmediale 04 – international media art festival 2004), “mediale module” (solo exhibition, Medienzentrum Hattingen, 2004), “Hyperkult 13” (Lüneburg, 2004), “Design- mai” (Berlin, 2005) and “outside_in” (solo exhibition, Gallery Oberwelt, Stuttgart, 2005).