Lukas Ludwig

Field of Practice:

Scientific, Coordination

City, Country:

Stuttgart, Germany


2017, 2018, 2019


July 2018 - July 2019

Lukas Ludwig works as a curator.

After completing his studies in fine arts at the State Academy of Fine Art, Stuttgart Ludwig worked as an assistant to the artistic directors of Techne, a project conceived as a production platform between Künstlerhaus Stuttgart (Fatima Hellberg and Johanna Markert) and Theater Rampe (Marie Bues und Martina Grohmann).

Furthermore, Ludwig was a scientific researcher for the film-project CURATING! at Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (Ronald Kolb und Dorothee Richter) as well as for Merz100 at Merz Akademie Stuttgart, where he was part of the RIG research group.

Recently Ludwig worked as a curatorial assistant for the exhibition Project 50 years after ‘50 years of Bauhaus’, 1968 at Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart (Hans D. Christ and Iris Dressler).

As part of the curatorial collective anorak, Lukas Ludwig is artistic director of the non-profit organisation (Kunstverein) Anorak e.V. together with Johanna Markert and Florian Model. Since March 2018, anorak holds a studio fellowship at Künstlerhaus Stuttgart. Currently, anorak is working on an exhibition project named Gemini in collaboration with Akademie Schloss Solitude. Gemini will take place in winter 2018 at the project space of Akademie Schloss Solitude at Römerstraße, Künstlerhaus Stuttgart and Delphi Arthouse-cinema.

Recent projects of anorak include Mixed Feelings in collaboration with Künstlerhaus Stuttgart and Palermo Galerie, as well as In A Room at Leopoldstr. 2 in Karlsruhe.