Sept 21 – Oct 13, 2024

Solitude-Alumni at the Festival of KulturRegion Stuttgart 2024

»Jetzt! Handlungsräume zwischen Kunst und Gesellschaft« (Now! Spaces for action between art and society)

Date: Sept 21, 2024, 00:00 Uhr

Duration: Sept 21 – Oct 13, 2024

Location: Different locations in Stuttgart and the region


All information on the respective projects can be found on the website of KulturRegion Stuttgart.

Zeichnung: Deepika Arwind

Zeichnung: Deepika Arwind

»Now!« is the time — and »Now!« is the space to focus on overcoming growing social divisions and insecurities. This effort happens on a small scale and, at the same time, as broadly as possible. Under the artistic direction of Melanie Mohren and Bernhard Herbordt, the KulturRegion Stuttgart 2024 festival will center on the transformation of the present. In line with its theme, this year’s festival will bring together a diverse group of regional and international artists to engage with and reshape the »Now!« in order to influence the future.

The goal is to transcend boundaries of all kinds. Spaces for encounters and reflection will be opened, creating platforms for polyphonic exchanges between art and society. The festival is about enduring doubt and ignorance while fostering care for one another. It aims to cultivate new perspectives beyond the usual day-to-day routines of institutions and individuals.

Akademie Schloss Solitude is happy to announce the participation of the following former fellows and jurors: Deepika Arwind (fellow 2023), Gloria Aino Grzywatz (fellow 2021/2022), Herbordt/Mohren as curators of the festival (fellows 2008/2009 and jurors 2022–2023), Molly Joyce (fellow 2023), Lina Lapelyte (fellow 2016), Neo Muyanga (jury core group and juror 2020–2023), The Trailer Collective (fellows 2022/2023).

Projects in cooperation

September 22 to November 17, 2024

Deepika Arwind & Eduardo da Conceição
The trifle of revolution – An open letter from the German peasants of 1525 to the world of today

The playwright, author, and artist Deepika Arwind takes the 1525 German Peasants’ Revolution as a starting point to draw connections to contemporary movements in agriculture, labor, ecology, and the climate crisis. Her exhibition, designed in the style of a graphic novel, explores the very core of protest. In a playful and poetic manner, she highlights the connections between transnational protest movements, illustrating that they are all interwoven. In a Europe that is increasingly shifting to the right, where xenophobia and censorship are gaining ground, the South Asian artist also seeks to examine her own relationship to this historical event—particularly as a Person of Color in Germany, where open racism is by no means rare.

Opening: Sunday, September 22, 6 p.m. with artist Deepika Arwind
Exhibition duration: September 23 to November 17, 2024
Where: German Peasants’ War Museum Böblingen, Zehntscheuer
(Pfarrgasse 2, 71032 Böblingen).

Further information can be found here.

A cooperation between KulturRegion Stuttgart, Akademie Schloss Solitude and Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen.

See INFO for dates

Neo Muyanga
Why we sing together

As part of the JETZT! festival, Muyanga is founding a pop-up choir composed of members from three cities: Stuttgart, Backnang, and Gerlingen. The goal is to bring together a diverse group of people — both with and without singing experience, young and old, with and without migrant backgrounds — through the shared act of singing. Inspired by the music, participants will exchange ideas and perspectives. Protest songs will serve as a medium to explore social and personal crises, while also encouraging the creation of original compositions.

INFO: During the festival, public rehearsals and concerts of Why we sing together will take place in the participating municipalities in Backnang, Gerlingen and Stuttgart. All dates can be found here. Neo Muyanga is also developing a documentation of the creation process as a video/sound installation, which will be presented in public places in the participating municipalities.

A cooperation between KulturRegion Stuttgart and Akademie Schloss Solitude.

October 5, 2024
4–6 pm &
October 6, 2024
6–8 pm

Exhibition by The Trailer Collective
Common Cities

Every resident has their own connection to a city. Sometimes a city shares similarities with others, and sometimes it is entirely unique. In their project Common Cities, the Cuban artist collective The Trailer Collective (Alessandra Santestieban & Karina Pino) delves into the commonalities between cities—and the emotions and memories connected to them by their inhabitants. The artists collect stories from Stuttgart residents with migration experiences and create symbolic cartographies filled with memories, questions, and personal objects that connect them to their hometowns—objects that also resonate with others.

Urban spaces are intertwined with personal memories, becoming narratives that serve as tools for reflection, dialogue, and action. Stuttgart is rediscovered from different perspectives, with various hopes and concerns, offering new ways to understand the reality that surrounds us and that we inhabit.

Where: Projektraum Römerstraße, Römerstraße 2, 70178 Stuttgart

You can find more information here.

A cooperation between KulturRegion Stuttgart and the Akademie Schloss Solitude.