Design: Basics09
May 23, 2019
»Das melancholische Mädchen« by Susanne Heinrich (Solitude fellow in 2012) wins main prize at Neiße Film Festival 2019
Akademie Schloss Solitude is very happy for former fellow Susanne Heinrich, director and writer, who has won the main prize at the Neiße Film Festival with her film »Das melancholische Mädchen«. The prize is worth 10.000 Euros.
After having received the Max Ophüls Prize start of this year, Heinrich now also convinced the jury of the international film festival. Her story about an odyssey of a young woman looking for a place to rest impresses with it’s »casual and light language«, that resolutely addresses the »paradoxes of our modern world« and »by using numerous feminist theories, illustrates how conservative and unfree we are in our cages and conventions«.
The Neiße Film Festival in the boarder triangle has taken place for the 16th time this year. Distinguished by its transnational character, the festival provides insight in Czech, Polish and German film culture through screenings and events at twenty venues. Carried by the European thought, this year’s focus lies with politics.
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