Design: Basics09
July 21, 2016
Dinner and conversation at Künstlerhaus Stuttgart with Mike Sperlinger, Solitude fellow 2016, on July 24, 2016
Due to the great demand, the event is already sold out.
7 Types of Ambivalence is a dinner and conversation with Solitude fellow Mike Sperlinger on Sunday, July 24, 2016, 6 pm. The evening is the first event of Mixed Feelings and will be presented by anorak at Künstlerhaus Stuttgart.
Do feelings mix like drinks? Is Fremdschämen the opposite of Schadenfreude? Do we ever have unmixed feelings about contemporary art? Is ambivalence really the better half of irony? What is the difference, actually, between ambiguity and ambivalence? Should we feel ambivalent about misquoting William Empson for the title of this event? These are some of the questions which we might choose to discuss during a dinner prepared for us with special ambivalence, in which each course will be prefaced by a short presentation on subjects which we possibly care about more than we pretend to.
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