Anna Lipphardt

City, Country:

Konstanz, Germany


2009, 2010, 2011


Mar 2010 - Mar 2010


Anna Lipphardt is cultural anthropologist and currently Associated Fellow at the Zukunftskolleg at the University of Konstanz.

From 1992 to 1999 she studied international relationsships/political science, Baltic studies and Jewish studies in Vilnius/Lithuania, Potsdam/Germany and Chigaco/USA. In 2006 she received her doctorate from the University of Potsdam. From 2006 to 2008 she was postdoc researcher at Centre Marc Bloch Berlin, where she also servered as the co-director of the Groupe de Recherche »Nazisme«. She was fellow at the Instiute for Advanced Studies at the University of Konstanz from 2008 to 2010.

Her dissertation VILNE. Die Juden aus Vilnius nach dem Holocaust. Eine transnationale Beziehungsgeschichte has been published in 2010 by F. Schönigh and was awarded the Klaus Mehnert Prize of the German Association for Eastern European Studies (DGO) and the Prix de la Fondation Auschwitz. Other recent publications: Diaspora – wissenschaftsgeschichtliche Annäherungen und Fragen an das Forschungskonzept, in: Fremd im eigenen Land. Diasporic Cultures – Diasporic Mentalities? ed. Miriam Rürup, Göttingen 2009; Spielraum des Globalen: Deutschland und der Zirkus, in: Die Vermessung der Globalisierung. Kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven, ed. Ulfried Reichhard, Heidelberg 2008, 159-178; Jewish Topographies. Visions of Space, Traditions of Place, ed. together with Julia Brauch and Alexandra Nocke, Aldershot 2008.

Anna Lipphardt’s research interests include migration and mobility studies, urban anthropology, and East European Jewish history. Currently she is working on mobile minorities and milieus in Europe, with a specific focus on the circus. During her fellowship she is collaborating with Jia Lyng Tang (fellow 2009/2010) on the project »Travelling Artists« , which looks into the interplay of continuous or frequent mobility, artistic practices, and the personal circumstances of artists, including their socio-economic situation.