Ina Heumann

City, Country:

Berlin, Germany


2009, 2010, 2011


Oct 2011 - Oct 2011

Ina Heumann is working on the history and epistemology of popular knowledge in international comparison. Her research examines science communication as a cultural, social, and epistemic practice that is shaped by its historical contexts as well as its medial conditions.

Ina Heumann is a historian of science. In 2011 her doctoral thesis was awared with the Prize of the German Society for the History of Medicine, Science, and Technology (DGGMNT).
She was junior fellow at the International Research Institute for Cultural Studies in Vienna, research fellow at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, visiting fellow at the Columbia University, New York and resident scholar at the Oregon State University.

She is currently working on a book project entitled Styles of Science Communication. German-American Transfer Histories, 1945-1984.

Selected publications:

Ina Heumann. Stile der Wissenskommunikation. Deutsch-amerikanische Transfergeschichte, 1945/64. IFKnow 02 (2009)

Ina Heumann. Mit Sicherheit und Würde der Öffentlichkeit über ihre Arbeit berichten. Wissenschaftskommunikation in Bild der Wissenschaft und Scientific American (1964–1974). In: Das Medium Wissenschaftszeitschrift seit dem 19. Jahrhundert. Verwissenschaftlichung der Gesellschaft – Vergesellschaftung von Wissenschaf, eds.: S. Stöckel, W. Lisner and G. Rüve. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2009.

Ina Heumann with Julia B. Köhne. Imagination einer Freundschaft – Disneys Our Friend the Atom. Bomben, Geister und Atome im Jahr 1957. zeitgeschichte 35 (6 2008)

Ina Heumann is a fellow of the program art, science & business as part of the cooperation with the Max-Planck-Institute for the History of Science in Berlin.