Jean-Louis Schoellkopf
Field of Practice: | Performing Arts |
City, Country: | Elbeuf, France |
Year: | 1995, 1996 |
Stay(s): | Aug 1996 - Oct 1996 |
Website(s): | |
Born 1946 in Colmar / France.
Photographer and guest at the Akademie Schloss Solitude in 1995, 1996 and 1997.
Single exhibitions:”Typologie” St-Etienne, Musée d’Art Moderne (1991); “Typologies” Hannover, Kubus (1992); “Typologies” Tel Aviv, Camera Obscura (1992); “Athos” Thessaloniki, Museum der Nationalbank (1994); “Scènes Urbaines” Lorient, École des Baeux-Arts (1998).
Group exhibitions (selection):”Typologies urbaines 1″ Stuttgart, Akademie Schlos Solitude with Andrea Keen (1995); “Feuilleton” Berlin, Podewil (1996); “Tun der Architektur” with Andrea Keen and Markus Grob, Stuttgart, Akademie Schloss Solitude (1997); Kassel Documenta X (1997); “La Cità del Porto” Gènes, Palazzo San Giorgio (1998); “Contextes différents” Grenoble, CNAN-Le Magasin (1999)