Design: Basics09
Apr 21, 2021
Sound performane by Janneke van der Putten on April 23
Janneke van der Putten, Photo: Gabriëlle Barros Martins.
On April 23 at 6 pm, Hangar presents the third session of Rarefacció, a cycle curated by Sergi Botella that aims to present proposals that revolve around music and sound from an experimental and unconventional perspective. The guests for this session are former fellow Janneke van der Putten and Noish.
Van der Putten will perform Voice-Skin, a sound experience for voice and electroacoustics with compositions by Werner Durand (DE), Sajjra Xhrs Galarreta (PE) and Philemon Mukarno (NL / ID). She will use a newly created portable sound system, whose development began during Janneke van der Putten’s time at Akademie Schloss Solitude. The system was designed by Jesse Howard (US) and Arden Rzewnicki (US) and produced by Foundation Idraola in Rotterdam, 2019 – 2021. It was supported by Performing Arts Fund NL, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds and Akademie Schloss Solitude.
From April to November 2019 Janneke van der Putten was a fellow at Akademie Schloss Solitude in the department of Music/Sound. She is a vocalist and visual artist, with experience in textile design. In an intuitive and physical way, she explores her voice as a sound texture. She has specialized in extended vocal techniques, producing two or more sounds simultaneously: basic tones, harmonics, interferences – like glottal attacks – and spatial reflections. Van der Putten uses architecture as a natural sound amplifier and as a trigger for echoes or other sonic effects. Wandering in space makes the sound move and generates a dynamic listening experience. Her rhythmic and conceptual approach to singing is inspired by the cycles of the breath, the body, the earth and the cosmos. Her performances are often performed without electrical amplification. In this way, she focuses on the exploration of space itself: how it sounds, whether it is lit or not, and where the audience is located.
Rarefacció’s audio will be available live at:
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