Sophie-Charlotte Opitz

Field of Practice:

Art Coordination

City, Country:

Stuttgart, Germany




Jan 2019 - Apr 2019

Born 1987 in Aachen/Germany.

Sophie-Charlotte Opitz is a curator and a transdisciplinary scholar of media, arts, and cultures. She graduated from Goethe-University Frankfurt in art history, art education, and philosophy in 2013.

She holds a PhD in visual culture studies and wrote a thesis on the production processes of contemporary conflict and war photography. The resulting book Bilderregungen: Die Produktionsmechanismen zeitgenössischer Kriegsfotografie (Jonas Verlag, 2020) examines the aesthetics and political, historical, social and memory dynamics of images of war and conflict.

Within her research, she is primarily interested in media-related memory dynamics, materiality of collective memory cultures, and the politics of (in-)visibility. Opitz gives talks, teaches and publishes in the field of media theory, cultural memory studies, and art education.