Design: Stegmeyer Fischer Creative Studios
Credit: Astrid S. Klein
Artistic research combines transdisciplinary collaboration, artistic methods of practice and aesthetic forms of expression, in order to create new modes of knowledge and to incorporate them into society. Together with the artists Astrid S. Klein and Herbordt/Mohren, Akademie Schloss Solitude invites you to the opening event of the newly founded Baden-Württemberg regional group of the Society for Artistic Research in Germany (GKFD).
In participatory engagements, open laboratories and workshops, the artists together with the audience and guests will address the following topics: decentralization, endurance and entanglement (Astrid S. Klein/quartier flottant); hybrid junctures of exchange and new techniques of anticipation (EXP.edition, Demian Bern, Elena Morena Weber & guests); the post- and nonhuman as a new way of interacting with nature, technology and our human existence (Ecosystems of Knowledge-Working Group/Akademie Schloss Solitude); as well as performative art research with collections and in archives as a practice of institutional critique (Die Institution, Herbordt/Mohren).
Thursday, September 24, 2020
Theater Rampe
7.00 pm
Astrid S. Klein, Herbordt/Mohren, Elke aus dem Moore
7.15 pm
Keynote »Gaps and Excesses: Interventions into the colonial archive«
by Eva Knopf, followed by a screening of her film »Majub’s Journey«
In her lecture, the filmmaker and film theorist will speak about her research-based artistic practice in colonial and postcolonial archives that led to her film »Majub’s Journey.«
Friday, September 25, 2020
Project space Römerstraße 2A
10.00 am
»Re-Thinking Archives – On Lost Knowledge, Imagined Institutions and Historiographical Gaps«
Lab I with
Herbordt/Mohren, Viviana González Méndez, Azadeh Sharifi
In a collaborative working, gaps of archives will be examined and strategies developed to intervene in their institutional structures and work with hidden or lost knowledge: historic Latin American textile spaces, images and maps, the lost knowledge of the landscape they represent and the invention of new ones (Viviana González Méndez); archival documents of never realized proposals for the foundation of new research institutes at the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft respectively Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (Herbordt/Mohren); and the urgency for an archive of post migrant theater as a result of a decolonial perspective on given archives is formulated (Azadeh Sharifi).
12.30 pm
1.30 pm
»doing entanglements through endurance«
Lab II with Annette Krauss, Ferdiansyah Thajib and Astrid S. Klein
If endurance is neither resilience nor survival, but »a means of continuing to continue not attributable to some inner force or underlying proposition,« how can we foster the capacity to endure, the capacity to connect with and entangle oneself in »seemingly dissonant experiences or ways of doing things, and which are without confident translations« (Abdoumaleq Simone, 2012)? Departing from this question and offering some additional terms derived from looking at intertwinements of their practices, Annette Krauss, Ferdiansyah Thajib and Astrid S. Klein invite to narrate further intersections.
3.30 pm
4.00 pm
The last two labs of the day by EXP.edition and the Ecosystems of Knowledge-Working Group will invite you to a synergetic space of experience of artistic research: Outside we will explore techniques of sensory perception for poetizing the body and its context. Afterwards we will come together for an open discussion to talk about concepts of the non- und posthuman in our project space at Römerstraße and in cyberspace.
»Re-coding Anticipation. A Micro-EXP.edition«
Lab III with the EXP.edition (Demian Bern, Elena Morena Weber and guests)
In a two-hour course, the laboratory simulates situations that are developed and used in the artistic research format of EXP.editions. Together with Elena Morena Weber, Demian Bern and guests, the participants will use a terrain in the south of Stuttgart for micro-field research. The combination of individual expertise and collective intelligence will be tested here, as well as strategies for poetizing the surrounding space, the use of the body as a space probe. We recommend wearing comfortable clothing and shoes – we will be moving around outdoors – and bring a cell phone.
»Encounters with the Non- and Posthuman«
Lab IV with the Ecosystems of Knowledge-Working Group (Aouefa Amoussouvi, Hemal Naik and guests)
In the form of an open dialog the group invites you to discuss different forms of the non- and posthuman and your experiences with it. What does it mean to be human? Which knowledge can the environment and other living and non-living creatures teach us? We will also examine how the development of technology expands the capacities of mankind both positively and negatively and how it questions the definition of nature.
You can take part online as well at the Römerstraße project space. To attend online, we will send a link after you have registered.
7.00 pm
The numbers of participants for each laboratory is limited. To attend the event, please register until September 22, 2020 with Sophia Sadzakov:
With contributions by: Aouefa Amoussouvi, Marcus G. Bergmann, Demian Bern, Ariel Bustamante, Sasha Engelmann, Viviana González Méndez, Herbordt/Mohren, Astrid S. Klein, Eva Knopf, Christine Koschel, Annette Krauss, Hemal Naik, Christina Maria Pfeifer, Ferdiansyah Thajib/KUNCI Study Forum & Collective, Azadeh Sharifi, Elena Morena Weber
The event will take place in English.
In cooperation with Theater Rampe. The project is funded by the Ministry for Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg as part of the »Culture Summer 2020« program.
participated in