Design: Stegmeyer Fischer Creative Studios
PLACE, TIME, and PEOPLE: Biographies and the Production of Places
The final conference under the broader rubric of »Biographies & the Production of Space« explores novel approaches to the possible roles that people and time play in shaping the sense and notion of places. What is the relationship between time and geography? Where geography is not only understood as location and space, but also the terrain of memory and action, imaginations and projected futures.
As often concluded, human lives and actions are not simply contained within space, but rather they are the active producers of a dialogue between time and geography – where »subjectivity and facticity engage in a constant nervous process of dialog.« [1] How do biographies regulate, determine, and silently infuse the conversation of time and geography with content and substance?
In framing our sense of time (and place), how do the exchanges between biography and geography articulate a framework of reading into forms of histories, place-politics, and cultural maps?
In parallel to the symposium, artistic positions that explore the production of spaces as an individual and social phenomenon will be exhibited, weaving their way around the Akademie’s aisles and passageways. The installations are shown until December 17, 2017.
Text, concept, program by Kaiwan Mehta and Sophie-Charlotte Thieroff.
[1] Gertrud Koch: »Foreword,« in: Siegfried Kracauer: Jacques Offenbach and the Paris of His Times. New York 2002, pp. 12–13.
Thursday, November 23, 2017
7.00 p.m.: Welcome Remarks & Introduction by Jean-Baptiste Joly and Kaiwan Mehta
7.30 p.m: Deewaana: The Lover of Music. Keynote Lecture by Tejaswini Niranjana
8.30 p.m.: Exhibition Opening with Snacks & Drinks
Friday, November 24, 2017
11.00 a.m.: Terrains of Memory and Action by Fotini Lazaridou-Hatzigoga, Imran Ali Khan, and Cristina Vidrutiu
1.00 p.m. Lunch
2.00 p.m.: Conversations between Time and Geography by Devin Jernigan, Daniel Hui, and Aliénor Dauchez
6.00 p.m. Dinner
7.00 p.m.: Both Sides of the Bridge: Writing from a Divided Space. Keynote Lecture by Ivan Vladislavić
8.00 p.m.: Film screenings curated by Ashish Rajadhyaksha
Saturday, November 25, 2017
11.00 a.m.: Reading sessions with Henrietta Rose-Innes, Clare Wigfall, and Danniel Schoonebeek
1.00 p.m.: Lunch
2.00 p.m.: Film Screenings curated by Ashish Rajadhyaksha
4.00 p.m.: Sound performances by Gwen Rouger and Raphael Sbrzesny
6.00 p.m.: Dinner
10.00 p.m.: DJ-Set by Agent Mo @ Korridor Bar, Weberstraße 11d, 70182 Stuttgart
With contributions by:
Imran Ali Khan, writer and researcher, Mumbai/India
Aliénor Dauchez, director and visual artist, Berlin/Germany
Marina Gioti, filmmaker and visual artist, Athens/Greece
Daniel Hui, filmmaker, Singapore/Singapore
Devin Jernigan, architect and researcher, Salisbury, MD/United States
Fotini Lazaridou-Hatzigoga, architect and researcher, Berlin/Germany
Kaiwan Mehta, architect, academic, researcher, managing editor of DOMUS India and jury chairman of Akademie Schloss Solitude, Mumbai/India
Tejaswini Niranjana, professor and Head, Department of Cultural Studies, Lingnan University, Hong Kong/China
Ashish Rajadhyaksha, film historian, curator and independent scholar, lives between Bangalore/India and Hong Kong/China
Henrietta Rose-Innes, author and Johannesburg Review of Books Contributing Editor, Cape Town/South Africa
Gwen Rouger, musician and performer, Paris/France
Raphael Sbrzesny, artist and musician, Berlin/Germany
Danniel Schoonebeek, poet and editor, Brooklyn, NY/United States
Cristina Vidruţiu, researcher interested in the relation between illness and narrative, Cluj Napoca/Romania
Ivan Vladislavić, writer and editor, Johannesburg/South Africa
Clare Wigfall, writer, London/United Kingdom
The symposium takes part within the 15th anniversary of the art, science & business program at Akademie Schloss Solitude.
The event will be held in English.
Admission is free. Per diem meal allowance incl. lunch, dinner, coffee and beverages
20 euros/10 euros for students.
Please register until November 17, 2017 via e-mail to Stefanie Bäuerle,,
Tel + 49 (0)711 99619 482
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